Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What is a thriller?

The thriller is a extensive genre of literature, film, and television. It includes numerous, often overlapping sub-genres such as the Crime thriller, Action thriller, conspiracy thriller, horror thriller, erotic thriller, drama thriller, medical thriller, legal thriller, psychological thriller and supernatural thriller although it is very hard to difine as there are so many different types. However all genres/subgenres of thrillers are characterized by fast paced and resourceful heroeswho must thwart the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains. Literary devices such as suspense, red herrings , and cliffhangers are used extensively in this genre of film, literature and television.

Another way to help define a film or televsion as a thriller is to watch the camera shots/angles and editing and listen to the music/instumentals that are part of the film. Camera angles/shots tend to be fast paced and switch regularly to other scenes and are cut abrupbly. The music tends to be of a fast tempo and have loud, deep, spine chilling beat running through it.

All thrillers have a protagonist and a antagonist. The protagonist is normally a strong good looking man such as a police officer/spy/soldier but can also be a normal citizen that had just been dragged into a situtation that they have to sort out. They have to overcome some sort of obstacle in order to over come the antagonist otherwise they will fail and possibly die. The antagonist generally has an advantage over the protagonist which makes the protagonists victory all the more sweeter.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Zoe, this is ok so far, but you need to catch up with the class this lesson. First please look at the main site for guidance and then speak to me about the outstanding tasks. Chris